Polling conducted by Moscow’s Levada Center shows that “76 percent of Russians hate Obama personally” and 74 percent of Russians dislike the U.S.

According to the New York Observer, “Anti-American sentiment has been growing slowly in Russia since the war in former Yugoslavia. But the sharp recent increase happened as a result of the US-led sanctions that were imposed on Russia after the ‘Russian annex of Crimea.'” Anti-American sentiment is currently so high that over three-quarters of Russians believe the problems in Ukraine are the fault of the U.S.

Mail Online reports that Russians’ disdain for America is evident in the day-to-day lives of Russians. For example, the owners of Moscow supermarket “Electronics on Prenya” are “using American flags as doormats” at the entries of their stores. “Customers have been filmed wiping their feet on the fabled stars and stripes and they enter and exist stores across Moscow.”

According to Reuters, the business owners chose to put the American flag doormats down to in response America’s alleged efforts to “[spread] general anti-Russian sentiment.”

Vesti.ru reports that some Moscow stores have even begun “selling…toilet paper with [the] American flag imprinted on it.”

During a 2008 debate against GOP candidate John McCain, Obama said, “One of the things I intend to do as president is to restore America’s standing in the world.”

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