The Agence France-Presse is reporting that Said and Cherif Kouachi, the brothers believed to be responsible for the attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday, have been killed. In a separate hostage standoff at a kosher deli in Paris, new reports are suggesting the gunman has also been killed.

Jordan Schachtel 2:28 PM:

Montpellier: France 44 Public radio reporting that two hostages are females in their 40s:


Jordan Schachtel 1:41 PM:

More AFP updates: gunman at kosher deli in Vincennes said he was “coordinated” with the Charlie Hebdo killers:

Frances Martel 1:39 PM: AFP is reporting that one of the gunmen involved in the Charlie Hebdo massacre claims to have been directly funded by Al Qaeda (unclear which of the three, though more likely the one who surrendered to authorities yesterday than one of the two killed today):

John Hayward 1:27 PM: From the Times of Israel: French-Jewish MP, Meyer Habib, tells Israeli radio that the 4 hostages and 4 injured killed were likely Jewish, and that he lost “my best friend” in the attack. Another French-Jewish official, Shlomo Malka, tells Israeli Army radio that most observant Jews are too fearful for their lives to go to synagogue tonight. Times of Israel also has an updated tally on those involved in the siege: French President Hollande told Israeli PM Netanyahu that four were killed in the hostage situation, and says fifteen were freed in the siege. John Hayward 1:22 PM: The BBC reports the damage from today’s chaos is four hostages dead, plus at least four critically injured. They mention the hunt for the kosher grocery terrorist’s girlfriend, but not the possible male accomplice reported by some other media sources. Jordan Schachtel 1:17 PM: U.S. House of Reps holds moment of silence for victims of France terrorist attacks:

Jordan Schachtel 1:16 PM: Telegraph reporting that police got the hostage taker while he was doing his Islamic prayers:

Apparently a telephone that had not been replaced on its socket allowed security services to listen in to Coulibaly. When he started praying, they moved in to end the siege.

John Hayward 1:04 PM: A Fox News radio report just said French police are looking for a second MALE accomplice from the kosher deli hostage crisis in Vincennes. That would mean Hayat Boumeddiene isn’t the only suspect still on the loose. John Hayward 1:02 PM: The FBI is supporting the French police in their search for the still-at-large female accomplice, Hayat Boumeddiene:

Jordan Schachtel 12:57 PM: Montpelier: Le Parisien news reports that the area was cordoned off and there is at least one gunmen. Police “do not know if there is a hostage.” John Hayward, 12:56 PM: Horrifying detail from a report from the BBC, by way of the Jerusalem Post:

A woman in tears approached French police outside the kosher supermarket where hostages were held captive by a gunman in northeast Paris, saying her 37-year-old daughter just managed to call from the supermarket and told her five people have already been killed, the BBC reported. The daughter said many hostages were in the basement of the supermarket. The conversation was interrupted by other hostages making the woman stop talking for her own safety.

Mary Chastain, 12:50 PM: France 24 reporter claims police concerned about new hostage situation in Vincennes, though unclear if this concern is due to accomplice in deli siege continuing to remain at large or due to other potential threats. Unconfirmed report:

  John Hayward, 12:33 PM: This report (from French news outlet Midi Libre) says the hostage situation in Montpellier is indeed a robbery that spiraled out of control, seemingly unrelated to terrorism. There does seem to be at least one hostage involved in a standoff with police. First paragraph of report, roughly translated: “Late Friday afternoon, a robbery goes wrong in a jewelry store in the heart of Montpellier. A hostage and two criminals are identified by the police in the store.” Mary Chastain, 12:30 PM: Photos of the unfolding siege in a Montpelier jewelry store:


Jordan Schachtel, 12:26 PM: Oliver Thring of Sunday Times reporting also on Montpelier situation:

  Nick Hallett, 12:24 PM: Hamas newspaper honors “the heroes of France invasion”:

John Hayward, 12:24 PM: The president of France is due to speak on the hostage developments at 2PM Eastern time:

Oliver Lane, 12:22 PM: EuroNews is reporting that special security forces have been dispatched to Montpelier to react to the alleged jewelry store robbery there, and also to Versailles, though no details have been given regarding what is going on there:

Mary Chastain, 12:21 PM: Video surfaces of the siege in Vincennes: Mary Chastain, 12:15 PM: A second source, Al-Arabiya, now reporting the development of another hostage situation in Montpelier:

Mary Chastain, 12:13 PM: In addition to the four killed, the AFP is reporting that four other hostages have been “critically wounded”:

Oliver Lane, 12:12 PM: Hacktivist group ‘Anonymous’ has vowed to shut down Jihadi sites after “freedom of expression has suffered an inhuman assault.” Frances Martel, 12:10 PM: Confirmation from Mexican newspaper El Universal that the hostage taken at the print shop by the Kouachi brothers has been rescued and is currently “in a good state.” Frances Martel, 12:08 PM: The female suspect in the siege of the kosher market has escaped:

Frances Martel, 12:04 PM: AFP is now reporting that there was a fifth death during kosher deli hostage siege, the gunman:

John Hayward, 12:03 PM: The Boston Globe reports that the Kouachi brothers came out shooting when the police went in:

Mary Chastain, 12:01 PM: Conflict News is reporting there may be a possible new hostage situation that has developed as part of a jewelry store robbery, though there is no indication yet this situation is related to others:

Frances Martel, 12:00 PM: ABC News is reporting that, while the three gunman are dead, one accomplice is believed on the loose:

Nick Hallett, 11:58 AM: Sky News also reporting at least four hostages confirmed dead. Mary Chastain, 11:56 AM: Reuters is now reporting that at least four hostages at the kosher market are dead. Police confirm Charlie Hebdo terror suspects are now dead, as well. Ambulances are currently leaving market area:

Mary Chastain, 11:53 AM: Sky News reporting hostages freed at both locations:

John Hayward, 11:52 AM: Australian News Network confirming death of gunman in kosher deli:

Mary Chastain, 11:51 AM: Footage of the storming of the deli:

Mary Chastain, 11:48 AM:Vine users posted images of terror outside of kosher deli in Vincennes as police stormed streets: John Hayward, 11:44 AM: Hostages seen exiting kosher deli where gunman had held them, demanding freedom for Kouachi brothers:

John Hayward, 11:43 AM: I’m hearing that the French police believed the terrorists were in contact with each other, and the one at the kosher deli said he’d kill his hostages if the Charlie Hebdo shooters were taken down at the printing plant, so the tactical squads hit them both simultaneously, and flawlessly. Hebdo shooters definitely dead, not sure about the one in the deli, all hostages reportedly safe. Le Figaro reporting suspect in deli hostage shooting also dead. John Hayward, 11:39 AM: AFP reporting hostages in one of two situations have been freed: