Here is a terrorist warning threat courtesy of Judicial Watch’s Corruption Chronicles blog.  We previously reported on a narco-terror conspirator named Emad Karakra.  Karakrah was a member of the terrorist cell behind the attempted 2009 bombing of Oprah Winfrey’s Chicago studios and the Sears Tower building.  He is back on the loose after being incarcerated, compliments of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The agency seems to think it can exert some kind of control over Karakrah, but there is good cause for skepticism.

Karakrah was reportedly recruited as an FBI confidential informant back in 2009 after his bombing plot against Winfrey and the Sears Tower (now known as Willis Tower) was thwarted. But he quickly cut loose from the FBI and successfully evaded the agents for several years, according to our sources.

We covered Karakrah’s January Chicago plea hearing before Cook County Circuit Court Judge Evelyn B. Clay and later obtained a copy of the official court transcript, which missed some key information about the behavior of the FBI representative in attendance. The FBI agent, a white male in his 40s with short brown hair and an ID badge hanging from his neck, waved and nodded in Karakrah’s direction. We did contact the FBI asking for comment on this report, but it declined to respond, as it has when reached for comment on other stories in the on-going narco-terror series.

We have provided extensive coverage of the role Karakrah played in the narco-terror ring centered in El Paso, Texas, with connections in Chicago and New York. This is what we know right now. Judicial Watch has verified that Karakrah is no longer in custody at the County Cook Jail, which the Illinois Department of Corrections confirmed to us in writing. We don’t know what his exact whereabouts are, and we don’t know if the FBI knows his exact whereabouts.  But JW has discovered, through a number of sources we have cultivated, that Karakrah spent his summer as a truck driver for militant Islamists, delivering supplies and materiel to terrorist cells operating in Brooklyn, New York, and Saddle Brook, New Jersey.

The facts that ultimately lead to Karakrah’s arrest are: taking the police on a high-speed chase through Chicago streets in late August and threatening to blow up his car. An Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) flag waved from the vehicle, and Karakrah was also charged with making a false car bomb threat. Despite all this, on January 7, 2015, Karakrah reached a plea deal in Cook County Court and was released from prison. We repeat: What is going on here?

Among his alleged accomplices in the 2009 truck bomb plot is Adnan Gulshair el Shukrijumah — al Qaeda’s director of North America, who flew in and out of the United States as “Javier Robles” – most recently in March 2014 in Anthony, New Mexico. Shukrijumah was killed in a Pakistani Army raid in northwestern Pakistan in early December 2014, a few days after we first reported his role in the bomb plot.

But Shukrijmah’s terrorist ally Karakrah (who is not an American citizen) is on the lam. Why didn’t the federal government arrest this avowed ISIS terrorist, who we know wanted to kill thousands of Americans in various terror plots?

Judicial Watch investigators in several states continue to track leads about the border-terrorist threat.  As a result of disclosures and pressure from Judicial Watch, inquiries from Congress and other authorities are underway into both the underlying border-security terrorist threat and the Obama administration’s continuing cover-up and reckless disregard for the safety of the American people.