Argentine outlet Infobae has a video that purportedly shows masked Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists executing nine accused “spies” in the Fallujah province of Iraq.

The video shows the captives, dressed in the orange jumpsuits typical in ISIS propaganda films, sitting together for a group shot before they are blindfolded and led outside. The captives are made to kneel and are then executed in unison with pistol shots to the back of the head. (Warning: this is shown fairly explicitly in the video at the link above. ISIS videos often cut to black at the moment of a captive’s death, then resume showing the dead bodies or severed heads, but not this time.)

The video revels in the slaughter of these prisoners, using special effects to punch up the execution, and even rewinding to show the moment of their deaths a second time. There is no mention at Infobae of whether this video has been authenticated by any intelligence agency.

In other ISIS execution news, the young “star” of their previous snuff film appears to have been recognized by his former classmates in Toulouse, France, although his name has not been released to the public. The boy, who is depicted using a pistol to shoot a 19-year-old Palestinian accused of being a “Mossad spy” (but more likely an ISIS deserter) in the head, is reportedly no more than 12 years of age.