The Palestinian Authority (PA), which governs the Palestinian territory in the West Bank under President Mahmoud Abbas, has taken the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day to call into question the actual death toll of the Nazi’s genocidal campaign, Palestinian Media Watch reports.

A Palestinian columnist in the PA-run Al-Hayat Al-Jadida said:

Estimates regarding the number of Holocaust victims differ. The supporters of the Zionist movement have exaggerated the number of victims, claiming that it amounts to six million, whereas others, unbiased researchers, have estimated that there were between one and two million Jewish victims.

Palestinian Media Watch translated the article and found that the writer blamed what the watchdog group described as “inherent Jewish evil” for their own slaughter.

“Regardless of the number, the bottom line is that a catastrophe that harmed the Jews in Europe occurred, due to matters concerning the relations between the European nations and the Jews living among them,” the Palestinian writer added.

The author in the PA daily then blamed the Zionist movement for the plight of European Jewry. He added:

The Zionist movement wanted to achieve a series of goals: First, to take advantage and use this [the Holocaust] to blackmail the European states financially and politically to make them support the Zionist colonialist project. Second, to bully the Jews to immigrate to the Israeli ethnic cleansing state, which was [then] in the preparatory stages of establishment. Third, to increase the Jews’ suffering and abuse in order to take advantage of the world’s compassion for them.

When he was a graduate student in the former Soviet Union, Mahmoud Abbas, who serves as president of the Palestinian Authority, wrote his doctoral thesis about the supposed “connection between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement.” In 1983, he published a book based on his thesis that called into question how many Jews were actually exterminated during the Holocaust, calling the six million number a “myth” and a “fantastic lie.”

To this day, Abbas continues to promulgate the conspiracy that the Zionist movement, on which the modern state of Israel was founded, is chiefly to blame for the outcome of the Holocaust.