The trailer for Michael Bay’s new movie, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, based on Mitchell Zuckoff’s nonfiction book 13 Hours, has been released. The book on which the film is based discusses how six members of a security crew tried to protect the U.S. compound during the 2011 terrorist attack that killed four Americans.

Whether Bay, known for his blockbuster action films such as the Transformers series and Armageddon, will shoe the truth about the Obama administration’s role in the death of four Americans killed at Benghazi, is not clear.

The book on which the film is based offers evidence of the Obama Administration’s malfeasance, including statements that the Bengahzi compound “included a weak and very extended perimeter, an incomplete interior fence, no mantraps and unhardened entry gates and doors. Benghazi was also severely under-resourced with regard to weapons, ammunition, [nonlethal deterrents] and fire safety equipment, including escape masks.”

Zuckoff also notes that before Ambassador Chris Stevens traveled to Benghazi, the [CIA] Annex’s GRS [Global Response Staff] operators examined the security at the compound, and [special operator Kris Paranto, “Tanto,” discovering that the five DS agents had a total of 12 years experience while the Annex operators had roughly one hundred years of collective military and contracting experience, told the DS agents, “If you guys get attacked by any big element, you’re going to die.”

Chuck Hogan, co-creator of FX’s “The Strain,” wrote the screenplay for the film, which stars James Badge Dale, John Krasinski and Pablo Schreiber. The film will be released Jan. 15, 2016.