The latest novel execution method to emerge from the gruesome imagination of the Islamic State is a throwback to cartoon villainy: they trussed the two men up, put them in a ruined building with some dynamite, and made them watch the sputtering fuse burn down until the explosion killed them.

As usual for ISIS snuff films, the video of this execution includes spy-movie graphics and a musical soundtrack. Terrorist killers are seen leading the two prisoners, wearing orange jumpsuits, into the building and setting up the dynamite. According to the UK Daily Mailwhich provides an edited cut of the first few minutes, “the final moments of the video show the men’s bodies, proving they are dead.”

The Daily Mail says the building where the execution took place is “believed to be somewhere in Anbar province.” The victims were identified as Nashaat Mahmood, 22, and Haidar Assad, 21.