Authorities in Beverly Hills arrested Saudi prince Majed Abdulaziz Al-Saud on Wednesday after he allegedly tried to force a house worker to perform sex acts on him.

A neighbor called the cops when he witnessed “a bleeding woman screaming for help from the prince’s multimillion-dollar Beverly Hills compound,” the Daily Mail reports. Officers questioned everyone in the house, which led to Al-Saud’s arrest “on suspicion of forced oral copulation of an adult.” From the Los Angeles Times:

Neighbor Tennyson Collins said a resident reported seeing a bleeding woman scream for help as she tried to scale the property’s 8-foot-high wall Wednesday afternoon.

When Collins drove home from work after 1:30 p.m., police followed his car through the gates and onto the property, which he described as a compound. The website Zillow valued the 22,000-square-foot property at $37 million.

Officers escorted some 20 people out of the house, many of them staff, Collins said.

The 29-year-old is currently free on $300,000 bail. Police told the media he “does not have immunity in this case.” Captain Tina Nieto said immunity “depends on the dignitary’s status in his home country’s government and the level of the offense he commits in the U.S.” He has to appear in court on October 19.

Collins claimed “various foreign nationals have been renting out the property for weeks at a time over the last year.”

The Saudi prince is not the only one involved in a sex scandal. Majed Hassan Ashoor, First Secretary at the Saudi Arabia Embassy in India, escaped into the night only days after he was accused of using two Nepali maids as sex slaves. Activists descended upon the embassy when the news broke.

“We learn that Saudi embassy first secretary, Majed Hassan Ashoor, who is allegedly accused of abusing 2 Nepali maids, has left India,” said the Ministry of External Affairs at the time. “The first secretary being a diplomat is governed by the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.”

The Hindu Times reported that the diplomat’s sudden exodus “appears to be part of a diplomatic bargain struck between India and Saudi Arabia after the high-level intervention of National Security Adviser Ajit Doval.”

In early September, Ashoor and his wife were accused of holding two Nepali women, aged 30 and 50, as sex slaves. The FIR (First Information Report) stated “the two women had been lured to India with a false promise of jobs, and then sold to the diplomat.” Ashoor and his wife held these women for three months and took them on a trip to Saudi Arabia. The women told authorities “they were repeatedly raped and forced to perform ‘unnatural sex’ for the diplomat and other Saudi nationals, often at knife-point.”