A report from Reuters says a top Iranian general met with Russian officials in Moscow in July to plan their joint intervention in Syria.

That means the Iranians were planning to help Russia destroy President Obama’s Syria strategy and bomb his proxy forces into oblivion while President Obama was busy forcing his Iranian nuclear deal upon the American people.

The general involved is Major General Qassem Soleimani, head of the Quds Force and architect of so many American deaths in Iraq, richly rewarded with millions of dollars in President Obama’s nuclear deal–a fact denied by the Obama State Department until the truth could no longer be concealed.

According to Reuters sources, Soleimani has been overseeing ground operations against enemies of the Assad regime in Syria for quite some time, as well as coordinating Shiite militias against the Islamic State in Iraq. That made him the perfect man for Iran to send to Moscow to begin planning those strikes on U.S.-backed Syrian rebels, as it became clear to both Russia and Iran that Bashar Assad needed their help to remain in power.

“Soleimani put the map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very alarmed, and felt matters were in steep decline and that there were real dangers to the regime. The Iranians assured them there is still the possibility to reclaim the initiative,” a senior regional official told Reuters. “At that time, Soleimani played a role in assuring them that we haven’t lost all the cards.”

Reuters sources told them planning for concerted Russian and Iranian action began several months before Soleimani’s visit, which means “Tehran and Moscow had been discussing ways to prop up Assad by force even as Western officials were describing what they believed was new flexibility in Moscow’s stance on his future.”

The report goes on to say President Assad formally requested assistance from his Russian patrons, and President Vladimir Putin personally requested Qassem Soleimani as Iran’s liaison to Russia. Soleimani is reportedly also working very closely with Assad, spending a great deal of his time in Damascus.

Secretary of State John Kerry and the rest of the administration seemed genuinely shocked and unable to cope with the situation when Russia gave them an hour’s notice before opening fire on their Syrian proxies. Kerry spent the preceding weeks assuring us that Russia was only moving all those jets into Syria as a show of force, striking a defensive posture to protect its interests in the region, such as its vital Syrian seaport.