From Jerrold L. Sobel writing at the American Thinker:

A duality, Islam is first and foremost a political movement ensconced in a religion from which it expresses its imperialist nature through a multi faceted concept known as jihad.  Christian Europe today, among other factors to be discussed later, lacking cognizance of Islam’s millennial ploy of hegemonic control via emigration, is saddled with a demographic birthrate inverse to that of their new emigres.  Europe is in the throes of Islamization. Writes author Bat’Ye’or in her critically acclaimed work: Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis.

“The ideology, strategy, and tactics of Jihad has constituted throughout history a fundamental part of Islamic Jurisprudence and literature, since it is through jihad that the Islamic community developed and expanded.”

She highlights a three point historical blueprint used for centuries to secure the fall and Islamization of earlier Christian societies throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, and how these constituents eventually subdued the majority host populations:

1- As a result of “wars, conquests, temporary peace treaties, terror like practices and alliances” There was a “gradual erosion of resistance within societies targeted but not yet conquered by jihad.”   

2- “Insecurity caused by the constant mass immigration of foreign populations and the subsequent process of alteration and substitution of one civilization by another, hostile to the indigenous inhabitants.” 

3- The emergence of powerful collaborationist parties economically and politically linked with Muslim Rulers.”

Wars, conquests, temporary peace treaties, alteration of host societies, terror attacks, emigration, gradual erosion.  Sound familiar?

Read the rest of the story at the American Thinker.