Speaking in an interview with Iran’s Al Alam TV on Monday, Iranian Brigadier Gen. Ahmad Reza Pourdastan said the “Zionist regime’s” collapse may happen in less than 25 years.

According to the Jerusalem Post, Pourdastan’s statements echoed those made last month by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei who said, “God willing there will be nothing left of the Zionist regime in 25 years.” Khamenei also promised that “the heroic jihadi Islamic spirit will not leave the Zionists in peace for a second.”

Pourdastan added that the Iranian regime is “willing for Israel to take action [against Iran], so that we would turn the supreme leader’s remarks into reality as soon as possible.” This past summer, Khamenei released a book in Persian titled Palestine that outlines his regime’s plan to conquer America and Israel.

Also on Monday, Iranian Parliamentary Chairman Ali Larijani reportedly said, “The parliament condemns the Zionist regime’s savage acts… and declares its support for the innocent Palestinian people’s struggle.” His comments arrived on the heels of a slew of deadly terrorist attacks against Jews in Israel by knife-wielding Palestinians.

Last Wednesday, Khamenei added a new list of conditions he will require before the implementation of the JCPOA (Joint Comprehension Plan of Action). The Jerusalem Post notes that one of the 10 new conditions states that any sanctions against Iran “at every level and on every pretext,” including terrorism and human rights violations, would “constitute a violation of the JCPOA.”

National Security Adviser Susan Rice acknowledged the day after the now-historic Iran deal was reached that the world “should expect” that some of the money Iran gets under sanctions relief as a result of the deal would go towards funding “bad behavior that we have seen in the region,” namely terrorist activity.

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