Speaking to Fox News Channel’s Maria Bartiromo Sunday, Dr. Sebastian Gorka demanded authorities cease the use of euphemisms like “tragedy” and “hate crime” to describe incidents like the jihadist slaughter of 50 people at Pulse, an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida Sunday morning.

“This isn’t an accident, it is a war against America,” Gorka, a Breitbart News editor and Chair of Military Theory at Marine Corps University, told Bartiromo, noting that planned attacks by Islamist radicals on civilian targets are part of a greater “ideological military assault on the United States of America.” “This isn’t to be called a tragedy; this isn’t an Amtrak train being derailed,” he continued, adding that these incidents are also not “shocking – nobody should be shocked.”

The incident – a shooting at Pulse LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida Sunday morning – has killed at least 50 people and over 50 are injured, many reportedly in critical condition. Authorities identified the shooter as Afghani-American Omar Saddiqui Mateen, who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State shortly before committing the act.

Using veiled language for these assaults deflects from the questions Americans need answered about the attack for their safety. For example, given the high number of rounds shot within the club, “he probably had some kind of training: who gave him that training?” Gorka also noted that a pivotal question for law enforcement now is who the shooter was listening to that convinced him to commit the crime, “the people he was in touch with that spun him up to do this attack now, during this season of Ramadan.”

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Gorka told Bartiromo that uncovering how the shooter successfully orchestrated his attack will be necessary information to prevent similar events in the future. And similar events are definitely in the works; Gorka noted that 101 people have been arrested in the United States on suspicions of working with the Islamic State, and more than 100 people “have been killed or arrested on U.S. soil related to ISIS.”

An unknown number of others are tied to the Islamic State and pose a threat. Gorka noted that there are in the United States “people who are linked… to ISIS,” but there are many ways to be tied to the group without having direct communication with terrorist leaders in the Middle East. Instead, “it can simply be a sympathetic connection through ideology.” Many of these people with ties to ISIS that are not overt are called “lone wolves,” a phrase Gorka rejects: “‘lone wolf terrorism’ is a phrase meant to make you stupid.”

“We know ISIS executes, throws people off buildings for being homosexuals. This is part of their religious doctrine, their ideology, now they are bringing it to America,” he added.

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