The leaders of terror-sponsoring states are currently descending on Manhattan for the annual opening of the UN General Assembly and their words are guaranteed to be blasted across the global airwaves. It is about time we made the connection between the terror-enablers in Turtle Bay and the terrorism in the streets beyond.

Monday brought new meaning to the phrase “upstairs, downstairs.” Above ground, the limousines glided in and out of UN Headquarters – recently renovated with more than half a billion dollars from U.S. taxpayers alone. Below ground, millions of New York straphangers were held up in subway and train stations until police gave the all-clear.

The contrasts get even starker. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is being protected by New York’s finest, while he is endangering American sailors and pilots in the Persian Gulf.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is paying “martyrs” that kill Americans and Israelis, while Americans are paying to take good care of his health and welfare when he is in town.

Then there are the other so-called “world leaders” that New Yorkers are hosting. All have immunity to travel to and from the UN in the name of “world peace.” And yet they include despots and dictators from terror hotspots like Lebanon, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and Yemen.

There is something seriously wrong with this picture.

From inside the UN there will be plenty of speeches condemning terrorism – albeit with a cynical wink-wink. Given the UN has no definition of terrorism, this bandwagon is open to all comers. Even an ISIS rep could jump on board.

And from inside New York taxis Mayor de Blasio is treating riders to an advertisement on the glories of the UN. Big-hearted New Yorkers, it says, are rolling out the welcome mat.

More accurately, short-sighted New York officials are putting “cha-ching” before safety and a moral compass. Anti-Americanism and non-stop Israel-bashing by way of the United Nations is actually not welcome by the vast majority of Americans, or would not be if they knew what was going on at their expense.

We need to connect the dots between incitement to terror and terrorism. Instead of watching pundits scratching their heads over how the latest naturalized American was radicalized, try tuning into a UN webcast. And then put an end to your contribution.