America is a divided nation. Countless political issues fragment our nation, while race, gender, and religious identification enhance division even further.

But there is one issue that has brought Americans of all backgrounds together in opposition to it: the barbarism of Sharia law.

Issues such as gay marriage, affirmative action, medicinal marijuana, and others may bring out our differences, but Sharia law is an enemy that all rational citizens unify against.

Sharia legitimizes and encourages behavior all rational human beings should find appalling.

It allows a husband to beat, rape, and even kill his wife as he pleases.

It allows a father to mutilate his daughter’s genitalia, to prevent her from engaging in what he deems to be sexual deviancy.

It allows, and even encourages, parents to kill their children if they feel their actions have brought shame to Allah.

It legitimizes the murder of those merely accused of homosexual behavior.

Sharia is the worst of humanity.

That’s why when ACT for America launched its March Against Sharia on June 10 across the country, the melting pot of America was on full display.

Lisa, a Jewish mother, organized a march in Syracuse for her daughters’ protection.

Pax and Chadwick, two LGBTQ men, organized the NYC march. Pax was motivated to make a difference for his country ever since September 11.

Delicia Dawn, an author and women’s rights activist, spoke in Dallas

Native American activists Chief Joseph RiverWind and Dr. Laralyn RiverWind spoke in St. Paul, MN.

Or how about Miriam Ibrahim, who because of Sharia law, was sentenced to death for apostasy, and had to give birth while shackled in a dungeon Sudanese prison?

She had the courage to speak in Virginia Beach, along with Dr. Mohammed Hamzepour, founder of the Iranian American Patriots, against the horrific reality of Sharia law.

Can you think of another issue that brought so many different types of Americans together? Particularly in a political climate this divided?

The proof is in the pudding. Opposition to Sharia is not a religious issue, racial issue, gender issue, or even an American issue. Opposition to Sharia is a human issue.

How beautiful it is to still be able to find common ground with our fellow American citizens, even in such hostile political times.

Still, the March Against Sharia drew critics from the usual places, in the ugliest form.

The terrorist-designated group CAIR launched a “counter-protest” opposing the March against the inhumane practices of Sharia law. Consider this: while so many patriots were marching in opposition to practices such as female genital mutilation, honor killings, and the stoning of homosexuals, CAIR and their ANTIFA thugs were marching to silence them.

One of the Marchers, Lauren Southern, even reportedly had urine thrown on her by a professional counter-protester.

If one group is marching against Sharia, and another group launches a self-described “counter-protest,” the logical conclusion is that the counter-protest was marching in favor of such barbarism.

This repulsive behavior is nothing surprising given CAIR’s terrorist designation by the United Arab Emirates, and their identity as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorist financing trial in American history.

Those who march in opposition to the medieval practices of Sharia can expect to be labeled “Islamophobic” by CAIR, their anti-American enablers at the SPLC, and the deceptive media.

Even when moderate Muslims like Mohammed, who organized a March in Atlanta, raise their voice in opposition to Sharia, they are attacked mercilessly by radicals, and brainlessly by leftists.

But with an issue like Sharia, most Americans are coming closer together, while the anti-American zealots drift further into the abyss. Good riddance.

If one can’t even put their petty political differences aside to stand with the victims of FGM, Honor Killing, or other Sharia-legitimized violence, let them kick dust and expose themselves for the radicals that they are.

No longer will such Sharia sympathizers be able to disguise themselves as human rights activists or “social justice warriors.”

Instead, they will be recognized by the average American only for their hatred of this country, its foundation, its principles, and its protection.

This also holds true for open borders fanatics in the mainstream media, who falsely and deceptively labeled our organization and opposition to Sharia as “anti-Muslim,” or even “white-supremacist.” Right, because a group that stands unwaveringly with Israel and has an Arab woman as its President used an openly gay man to organize a march that included Muslims to advance some white supremacist agenda.

Common sense Americans see these allegations for how fantastically stupid they are.

They’re fed up with the PC propagandists trying to bully and intimidate everyone into silence who doesn’t go along with their suicidal open borders philosophy.

If there’s one thing we can be thankful for, it’s that even in a political climate as vicious and divisive as the one we are currently experiencing, we have issues like Sharia that transcend such vitriolic division, and allow us to come together as a melting pot in opposition to it.

Photos courtesy ACT for America.

Brigitte Gabriel is a terrorism analyst and a two-time New York Times best-selling author of “Because They Hate” and “They Must Be Stopped”. She is the Founder and Chairman of ACT for America, the nation’s largest grassroots organization devoted to promoting national security and defeating terrorism.