A recent film by the Chinese propaganda outlet Global Times depicts a young American man, inspired by dictator Mao Zedong, describing his seemingly happier life in China.

“I think communism is the most ideal social and political system in the world,” says Dylan Walker. “We just want to make sure everyone can get basic welfare and rights.”

Walker goes on to describe how he was inspired by Chinese dictator Mao Zedong — who is estimated to have caused the deaths of between 40 to 70 million people — after he was asked to read his works in high school:

I began to learn Chairman Mao’s works in high school. We learned a little bit of his articles in history classes before. When I came to China for the first time, I bought versions of the “Quotations from Chairman Mao” in Chinese and English. I read it almost every day after going back to the U.S. I kept it during class and read it when I had time after classes. If I hadn’t learned the quotations, I wouldn’t have joined the USA Communist Party, so Chairman Mao and the Communist Party of China will always have a special place in my heart.

Walker goes on to describe his membership the USA Communist Party, which involves studying communist constitutions, taking part in events, and keeping up to date with communist news around the world:

The Communist Party of China is now admirable for me, especially since Xi Jinping took office. The corruption crackdown has swept nationwide. I didn’t pay much attention to the news when I was younger, but as I grew older, I understood more about these situations.

What is terrible is that a communist might have doubts towards communism and socialism and then loses his faith and belief. Just like President Xi Jinping said before, some party members lack “calcium,” that is a lack of belief of communism and Marxism.

Joining the party is not for getting a job, nor for any privilege, nor for any special interests or anything else. You should know joining the party is a lifelong commitment instead of a temporary matter. For your whole life, you should serve your people and your country.

The video is part of a series promoting communist values in light of this week’s Communist Party of China (CPC) Congress, in which President Xi Jinping is expected to further cement his power by potentially adding his name to the party’s constitution. Bizarre propaganda in Chinese state media is not merely for special occasions, however – in March, multiple Chinese state media outlets published a seven-part report detailing a “human rights crisis in the United States.”

Just this week, the Global Times also ran a column detailing how their country does not have sexually abusive figures such as the disgraced movie executive Harvey Weinstein because of the strength of “Chinese values.”

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