The leader of one of the most prominent Islamist extremist groups participating in the Pakistan general elections vowed to use an “atom bomb” from the country’s arsenal to “wipe Holland off the face of this earth” if it allows a competition of cartoons depicting Mohammad to proceed, Pakistani media reported Tuesday.

Citing Pakistan’s Samaa TV, the Times of India (TOI) revealed that candidate Khadim Hussain Rizvi, the rising politician from the Islamist hardliner group Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan Ya Rasool Allah (TLP), made those comments when he appeared at the Karachi Press Club on July 3.

“If they give me the atom bomb, I would remove Holland from the face of the earth before they can hold a competition of caricatures. … I will wipe them off the face of this earth,” the Islamist extremist politician declared.

Last month, the Freedom Party of anti-Islam Dutch politician Geert Wilders said it would hold a competition of cartoons depicting Mohammad, a move that has triggered deadly responses from jihadists in the past, Reuters reported on June 12.

“Although there is no verse in the Quran forbidding people to record the Prophet’s image, Islam and Prophet Muhammad objected to portraying an animated being to prevent any idolatry,” Turkey’s Daily Sabah explained in the wake of the 2015 massacre at the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris at the hands of Islamist terrorists angered at the drawing of the prophet.

Pakistan’s TLP rose to prominence last November by opposing changes to Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy law used to target Christians and other religious minorities. The Islamist extremist group achieved major political party status by fielding 152 candidates for the July 25 elections.

“The TLP – whose raison d étre is the protection of the blasphemy law – was formed as recently as in 2015 and yet it has fielded a whopping 152 candidates,” TOI reported last week. “By comparison, parties that have been in Pakistani politics for decades have fielded just between 40-75 candidates more than the TLP.”

Citing the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) last week, Pakistan’s Dawn newspaper confirmed that the general elections in Pakistan have seen hundreds of candidates enter the political mainstream with backing from Islamic terrorist organizations and ardent supporters of the country’s blasphemy law.

Led by the ardently anti-“blasphemy” TLP group, hardline Islamist groups have fielded a total of 395 candidates for the parliamentary elections across Pakistan, Breitbart News determined using ECP data.

Reportedly, there are 342 seats for grabs in Pakistan’s National Assembly.

“The TLP alone can’t win the elections even if all its candidates win. … However, if the hardline Islamist party wins substantial number and if there’s a fractured verdict, the TLP may end up the kingmaker as it were if it did decide to ally with a party or is a persuaded by a party to do so,” TOI points out.

Pakistan’s Islamist hardliner groups could band together and the form the required alliance to win. Hundreds of politicians affiliated with Islamic terrorist organizations and Muslim hardliners, including TLP leader Rizvi, are eligible to potentially run nuclear-armed Pakistan.