The Iranian judiciary announced on Tuesday that Mahmoud Mousavi-Majd, described as “one of the spies for the CIA and Mossad,” has been sentenced to death for giving “the whereabouts of martyr Soleimani to our enemies.”

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s top terrorism mastermind, was killed by a U.S. drone strike in Iraq in January.

Mousavi-Majd’s connection to the liquidation of Soleimani is tentative, to say the least. The Iranian judiciary initially announced he would be executed because he allegedly took money from the CIA and Mossad to give up Soleimani’s location, but then “clarified” that he was actually in jail at the time of the January drone strike on the IRGC officer. Moreover, he was jailed in Iran, while Soleimani was killed in Iraq while he was coordinating terrorist attacks on Iraqi military bases and the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.

The revised judiciary announcement admitted that Mousavi-Majd was not directly involved with “the terrorist act of the U.S. government,” but he was a CIA/Mossad spy anyway, as proven by secret proceedings that were “carried out long before the martyrdom of Soleimani.”

The corrected statement said Mousavi-Madj’s death sentence had been upheld by Iran’s highest court and will be carried out “soon.” The judiciary made it clear his death was intended to send a political message, vowing he will “will face the consequences of his actions and his masters will also witness the determination, might and intelligence reach of the Islamic Republic.”

AFP noted on Tuesday that Iran arrested eight people “linked to the CIA” supposedly involved in launching nationwide protests against the regime in Tehran, implying the protests were a U.S. plot to destabilize the Iranian government. In truth, the protests were a response to the IRGC wantonly murdering a plane full of civilians and furiously scrambling to cover up the crime.

The Iranians also claim to have broken up a large CIA “spy ring” last July, with 17 suspects arrested and some of them sentenced to death.

According to Al Jazeera News, Mousavi-Majd’s name was never mentioned in a public statement by the judiciary before his death sentence was announced on Tuesday. He is the only individual linked by name to Soleimani’s death so far, and even that link is highly debatable, as seen by the judiciary’s corrections on Tuesday morning.