MAYVILLE, Wis., Feb. 17 (UPI) — Police in Wisconsin released video of a 92-year-old motorist losing control of his van in a parking lot and striking 10 vehicles.

The Mayville Police Department said the elderly man became confused while pulling out of his parking spot Friday at the Piggly Wiggly in Mayville and he stepped on the gas, striking several cars in front of him.

The security camera footage shows the man reverse, striking cars behind him, before heading toward the exit of the lot, striking two more vehicles along the way.

Police said no injuries were reported from the crash.

Police Chief Christopher MacNeill said the 92-year-old man told officers he became confused and panicked behind the wheel.

Kurt Stangl and Veronica Giese, volunteer firefighters who were in the last vehicle struck by the man, said they ran after the van and convinced the driver to stop.

“I’m slamming on the window, just pounding on it saying stop your car, stop your car,” Giese told TMJ-TV. 

Police said the man, whose name was not released, is cooperating with officers and is not expected to be charged with any crime.