WASHINGTON, July 1 (UPI) — Attorney General Loretta Lynch will accept the findings of an FBI investigation into whether Hillary Clinton or one of her aides broke the law by setting up a private email server for her to use as secretary of state.

The decision, which The New York Times reports will be made public Friday, eliminates the possibility that Lynch, a political appointee of President Barack Obama and the nation’s highest law enforcement official, would overrule the findings of a months-long investigation into Clinton’s email setup.

Republicans have seized on the email issue to question whether Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is trustworthy.

Lynch will not, however, entirely remove herself from the case as some Republicans have suggested she should.

Her decision comes days after Lynch awkwardly landed in the spotlight for a private meeting with former President Bill Clinton at a Phoenix airport. Clinton was leaving the city as Lynch was arriving and with both their planes on the tarmac, Clinton walked over to Lynch’s plane for an impromptu 30-minute meeting.

Lynch has said the visit was social in nature and nothing about the email investigation was discussed.

Clinton first nominated Lynch as U.S. attorney for the eastern district of New York in 1999 and the two have known each other for many years, CBS News reported.

The Clinton-Lynch meeting caused several Republicans to publicly criticize the attorney general, including presumptive nominee Donald Trump, who said he was “flabbergasted” by what happened.

“I actually thought they were joking. … I said, ‘No way, it’s just no way that’s going to happen,”‘ Trump said. “I am just — I’m flabbergasted by it. I think it’s amazing. I’ve never seen anything like that before.”