PHILADELPHIA, July 25 (UPI) — The former Saturday Night Live writer and actor Al Franken, a senator from Minnesota, turned to his old friend sarcasm to skewer Republican Donald Trump for his controversial Trump University real estate seminars.

Franken pondered what life would be like for a typical Trump University student.

“I got my doctorate in megalomania studies from Trump University. Sure, I had to empty out my 401(k) and take out a reverse mortgage on my house to pay the tuition, but Mr. Trump, or rather some people who said they once met him, convinced me it was worth it.

“Frankly, as a proud alum of Trump U, I think we might be mis-underestimating Donald Trump. Sure he’s scammed a lot of people, but did you know that Trump University’s School on Ripping People Off is ranked second in the nation, right behind Bernie Madoff University? That is no mean feat.

Franken also took a shot at some of Trump’s celebrity friends who have appeared on his reality show, Celebrity Apprentice.

“[Trump University is] also about learning directly fro success experts like Scott Baio, Mike Tyson, and of course a life-sized cardboard cutout of Donald Trump himself.

“Their bankruptcy program, particularly, is known through the real estate investment community for its creativity. It’s most popular course, Bankruptcy 101: How to Leave Your Partners Holding the Bag, is taught by the cardboard cutout itself.”

Franken got serious for a moment, saying voters should consider who will do more for them as president.

“I think rather than voting for someone who’s never done anything for anyone other than himself, I think maybe we should go with a candidate who’s spent a lifetime working to get things done for the American people.”

Closing his speech to the Democratic convention, Franken returned to humor, urging delegates to ignore their other responsibilities to work to elect Clinton.

“Many of you have jobs. Many of you have families. Ignore them. Eight-year-old kids know how to work microwave ovens. … Don’t worry about your kids, they’ll be fine. You’ve got work to do.”