NEW YORK, March 25 (UPI) — A new profile in GQ magazine quotes presidential hopeful Ben Carson likening President Barack Obama to a psychopath.

In the piece for the magazine’s April 2015 issue, Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and conservative darling, reacted to Obama’s State of the Union address. Carson’s business manager said the president looks good, and Carson responded by likening the president to a “psychopath.”

“Like most psychopaths,” Carson grumbled. “That’s why they’re successful. That’s the way they look. They all look great.”

The piece also followed Carson on his “fact-finding mission” to Israel in February, where he asked for a tutorial on the local politics:

“The woman answered Carson’s question about political parties, telling him that there were Labor and Likud and a host of other factions in the Knesset. “And what is the role of the Knesset?” he interjected. This prompted a tutorial on Israel’s legislature. Carson is a tall, dignified-looking man with a placid, almost sleepy face. As he tried to concentrate on his Hebrew Schoolhouse Rock primer, he seemed even more fatigued. ‘It sounds complex,’ he finally said. ‘Why don’t they just adopt the system we have?’”

Carson is no stranger to controversy. He has repeatedly compared the United States to Nazi Germany.