LOS ANGELES, April 13 (UPI) — The teaser trailer for Marvel’s other 2016 movie, Doctor Strange premiered during Jimmy Kimmel Live! Tuesday night and it marked the debut of a different kind of superhero.

Just weeks before the premiere of Marvel Studios’ latest movie, Captain America: Civil War, several of the movie’s cast members appeared on the late-night ABC talk show, but the new trailer was a reminder that Marvel’s next movie will take them in a new direction this fall.

Doctor Strange stars Benedict Cumberbatch and is directed by Scott Derrickson. The movie also features Rachel McAdams, Mads Mikkelsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Tilda Swinton as Strange’s mentor.

“You’re a man looking at the world through a keyhole,” Swinton’s character, the Ancient One, tells Cumberbatch’s Dr. Stephen Strange in the teaser. “You’ve spent your life trying to widen it. Your work saved the lives of thousands. What if I told you that reality is one of many?”

The movie is an origin story featuring Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange, a former neurosurgeon who loses his abilities and becomes the Sorcerer Supreme and Earth’s protector against magical and mystical threats. The character was created by Marvel artist Steve Dikto in 1963.

Doctor Strange opens in theaters Nov. 4.