MUNICH, Germany, July 7 (UPI) — BMW’s 40-ton, all-electric truck was deployed for the first time Tuesday to deliver material to BMW’s factory from a local supplier.

The truck, which is based on the Type YT202-EV 4×2 from Dutch manufacturer Terberg, has a range of 62 miles on a single charge.

In Munich, the truck will complete a short 1.2-mile trip between BMW’s factory and its supplier SCHERM up to eight times a day for a total daily journey of under 10 miles. Once the truck’s battery is depleted, a three- to four-hour charge using renewable energy resources will refill it, meaning the truck can work all day without needing a charge.

The truck will be loaded up with various vehicle components such as shock absorbers, springs and steering systems as it navigates public roads.

Even though the route is short, the environmental benefits of not using diesel for the trips amount to a savings of 11.8 tons of carbon dioxide a year. BMW will study the vehicle’s performance on city streets to evaluate the future of electric cargo transport.

BMW will also take the opportunity to advertise for electric vehicles by designing the truck’s trailer to resemble a battery.