LONDON, July 31 (UPI) — A British inventor shared a video of his solution for people who sleep through alarms — a “High Voltage Ejector Bed” that flings occupants from their comfort.

Colin Furze, a self-described “garage inventor/video maker,” posted a video to YouTube showing his “High Voltage Ejector Bed” in action.

The video shows Furze being flung out of bed at increasingly high speeds — at one point using the bed’s high setting to fling a dummy against the wall.

Furze also conducts experiments in the video using the bed to help him get dressed and eat breakfast.

Furze, who said he was approached to create such a bed by the makers of Taylors High Voltage Coffee, said he drew inspiration for his design from Wallace and Gromit.

“Anyone who could still stay asleep when this goes off is not human,” he told Mashable.

A video previously posted to Furze’s account shows how he created the prototype prior to release of the demo video.