(AP) Trustee: Penn St. board should re-examine report
Associated Press
A Penn State trustee is calling on the university governing board to re-examine the findings of former FBI director Louis Freeh’s school-sanctioned investigation into the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal.

Trustee Alvin Clemens said Monday in a statement that the critique released this weekend by Joe Paterno’s family raised questions about Freeh’s findings.

Clemens, a trustee since 1995, said that while it was a difficult decision, trustees should look at the Freeh report again.

Former U.S. Attorney General Dick Thornburgh was among the experts brought in by the Paterno family to review the Freeh report. The review said that claims that Paterno participated in covering up allegations against Sandusky were inaccurate and unfounded.

Sandusky, a former assistant coach under Paterno, was convicted of 45 counts. He maintains his innocence.