WASHINGTON (AP) — The for-profit college industry is struggling under the weight of declining enrollment, stiff competition from traditional universities and an image battered by past misdeeds — despite a boost the Trump administration.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos (dih-VAHS’) has hired several industry insiders and frozen Obama-era rules that would have increased protections for students.

Steve Gunderson, president of Career Education Colleges and Universities, says the administration is trying to find a balance between students and schools.

But Washington University law professor Kathleen Clark sees an industry embraced by the Trump administration.

Student enrollment at most four-year for-profit colleges fell in 2017 to about 901,000, down nearly 69,000 from the year before. That’s according to data compiled by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. It’s a downward trend that began in 2010.