PARIS, Nov. 13 (UPI) — What may be a coordinated attack involving automatic gunfire and multiple explosions struck in the heart of France on Friday evening — leaving numerous people dead and dozens more wounded, officials and witnesses said.

The attack began around 9:30 p.m. local time and involved shootings in Paris’ 10th and 11th districts, witnesses said, and at least three explosions near the nation’s national stadium, Stade de France, which lies north of Paris in Saint-Denis.

Audio of one explosion can be heard on the broadcast of the game, which was posted to Vine.

Germany and France were playing a soccer match at the stadium at the time of the blasts, where French President Francois Hollande was in attendance. He was unharmed and left the stadium to assist in the emergency response.

Leparmentier Arnaud, an editor for France’s le Monde, was at the match and tweeted a photo that showed fans on the field inside the stadium.

One of the shootings reportedly occurred at the Cambroge restaurant. Photographs from France 2 TV employee Vincent Berthézène showed bullet damage to a window and emergency personnel surrounding the scene.

The status of the gunman or gunmen was not initially clear. Some witnesses said they saw two men emerge from a parked car and open fire before getting back in the car and leaving moments later.

USA Today reported more than 40 dead so far but news reports indicate that toll will almost certainly rise. Some witnesses said they saw at least two gunmen — one of whom was firing an automatic weapon, BBC News reported.

“There are a lot of dead people. It’s pretty horrific to be honest … The pile of bodies in front was too much for my wife to walk over.” witness Ben Grant told BBC News.

President Barack Obama immediately responded to what he labeled a “terrorist attack,” saying it amounts to a devastating blow to all people.

“This is an attack not just on Paris. It’s an attack not just on the people of France. But this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share,” he said.

Other news media reported that gunmen had taken perhaps as many as 100 hostages at the nearby Bataclan concert hall — one of four music venues the attackers targeted, Consequence of Sound reported. The report also called Friday’s incident a “coordinated terrorist attack.”

French newspaper Liberation cited witnesses as saying perhaps more than two gunmen may have been involved in the attack. One witness told the newspaper that one gunman fired an AK-47.

Some reports also indicated that police officials believe at least one of the explosions was a suicide bombing.

Britain’s Telegraph reported late Friday that the city of Paris was placed on lockdown and a curfew was put in place as police try to get a grip on the chaos.

Unconfirmed reports of additional gunfire at Paris’ largest shopping mall, Les Halles, was reported by France’s The Journal.

If Friday’s attacks were coordinated by any terror group, none have yet claimed responsibility.

This is a developing story