CANNES, France (AP) — The 87-year-old reclusive iconoclast director Jean-Luc Godard has attended his Cannes Film Festival press conference via FaceTime, answering questions over the screen of a mobile phone.

The sight Saturday was among the strangest at this year’s Cannes, but also among the most fitting for the ever-allusive Godard. The French filmmaking legend and New Wave pioneer has a new film essay, “The Image Book,” playing at Cannes.

Godard was connected by phone by French film critic Gerard Lefort, who held the screen aloft for reporters to photograph and approach, one by one. Journalists lined up for their chance to ask one of cinema’s most enigmatic figures questions about his film, the state of cinema and even Michael Bay, whose “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” is seen fleetingly in Godard’s film.