NEW YORK, Jan. 1 (UPI) — Somalian terror group al-Shabab used footage of Donald Trump proposing to ban Muslims from the United States in a recent recruitment video.

Trump’s speech in December at a South Carolina rally, where he called for a “total and complete” ban on Muslims entering the United States, is featured in the hour-long video.

Just before cutting to Trump, the video features deceased al-Qaida leader Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in a 2011 U.S. airstrike in Yemen.

“Muslims of the West,” al-Awlaki warned, “learn from the lessons of history.”

“There are ominous clouds gathering in your horizon,” he continued in English. “Yesterday, America was a land of slavery, segregation, lynching, and Ku Klux Klan. And tomorrow it will be a land of religious discrimination and concentration camps. “

After showing footage of Trump’s rally, the video cuts back to al-Awlaki saying: “The West will eventually turn against its Muslim citizens.”

The video, produced by al-Shabab’s media operation al-Kataib, is gaining traction among Islamic State online groups, CBS News reported Friday.

At a Democratic presidential debate in December, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called Trump “ISIS’ best recruiter.” She said the terror group was “going to people, showing them videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.”

Trump denied the claims and demanded an apology from Clinton, which he never received. Meanwhile, Clinton’s claim could not be substantiated until now.