June 8 (UPI) — A Jamaican woman who won a $1.4 million lottery jackpot went viral on social media for using a winking emoji mask to hide her identity.

The winner, identified only as N. Gray, showed up for a press conference with Super Lotto organizer Supreme Ventures Ltd. wearing the emoji mask to maintain her anonymity.

Supreme Ventures posted photos from the press conference to Twitter, where they quickly went viral.

“The face you make when you become a #SuperMillionaire,” Supreme Ventures quipped, with a photo of the winner’s mask and an actual winking emoji.

The company said the winner allowed online lottery fans to choose her disguise in a poll.

Gray, who won her prize in the May 11 Super Lotto game, said doesn’t plan to quit her job, but she is looking forward to using some of her winnings to take a cruise.