PHILADELPHIA, July 27 (UPI) — Meryl Streep placed Hillary Clinton among history’s most influential women during her speech at the Democratic National Convention.

“What does it take to be the first female anything? It takes grit and it takes grace,” the actress said onstage Tuesday referencing how Clinton made history by becoming the first woman to be nominated for president by a major political party.

Streep’s speech focused on important figures in women’s history including Deborah Sampson, Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt and many more, and how those women accomplished great things with “grit and grace” just as Clinton has.

“Hillary Clinton has taken some fire over 40 years of her fight for families and children. How does she do it? That’s what I want to know. Where does she get her grit and grace? Where do any of our female firsts, our path breakers, where do they find that strength?” the Academy award-winner continued.

“These women share some common capacity of mindfulness of heart and a burning passion for their cause. They have forged new paths so that others can follow them … Nearly 100 years after we got the vote, you people have made history. And you’re gonna make history again in November because Hillary Clinton will be our first woman president … and she will be the first in a long line of women and men who serve with grit and grace. She’ll be the first but she won’t be the last.”

Streep was fired up during her time onstage as she rocked an American flag-themed outfit and started her speech with a triumphant scream.

Streep is the latest celebrity to speak during the Democratic National Convention following Sarah Silverman and Al Franken calling on Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton supporters to band together, Demi Lovato who called for greater access to mental health care, Eva Longoria who slammed Trump for his previous statements regarding Mexican immigrants, Elizabeth Banks who parodied Trump’s dramatic back-lit RNC convention entrance and Lena Dunham and America Ferrera who declared “We’re with Hillary.”