Feb. 1 (UPI) — Miranda Kerr and Cam Newton take over a youth football game in Buick’s upcoming Super Bowl ad.

The comedic 60-second commercial released by the car brand Tuesday, features the model and Carolina Panthers quarterback suddenly appearing in the game while onlookers admire a Buick.

“If that’s a Buick, then my kid is Cam Newton,” a father says before his son is transformed into Newton who then easily pushes aside the younger players to throw a touchdown pass.

“That’s a good looking Buick right there,” Newton then mentions to a coach about another arriving car in the parking lot.

“If that’s a Buick, then I’m a supermodel,” the coach responds before turning into Kerr much to the NFL star’s surprise. A referee distracted by her appearance is then seen crashing into a table.

In speaking with People magazine about the ad, Kerr and Newton shared how fun it was to film the spot and work with kids.

“It was such a fun ad to be a part of, and it was so cute that the ad took place at the little pee-wee game,” Kerr explained. “It was a really fun day, and it was just a great moment to be a part of – being a part of such an iconic moment in American culture was really great.”

“With my love for kids, and trying to impact them and using my influence in a positive way, that happened naturally, and I thank Buick for that,” Newton added of his experience. “Anything that a kid may ask, that puts a lot of purpose in the way I play and the way I carry myself, knowing that somebody is always watching and someone is trying to mimic my game.”

The ad will during Super Bowl LI on Feb. 5.