Mexico City (AFP) – Leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador heads into Sunday’s presidential election in Mexico as clear favorite, according to the latest opinion polls published Wednesday.

The former Mexico City mayor has 51 percent of voter preferences to conservative National Action Party (PAN) candidate Ricardo Anaya’s 27 percent, according to a poll by the Reforma newspaper and Radio Centro. 

Jose Antonio Meade, from the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), has 19 percent of the poll with independent candidate Jaime Rodriguez Calderon on 3.0 percent.

The results of the survey of 1,200 voters did not include the 18 percent of respondents who did not offer a preference.

A similar poll by El Financiero shows Lopez Obrador, widely known as “AMLO,” with 54 percent, Meade with 22 percent, Anaya on 21 percent and Rodriguez 3.0 percent.

In a Consulta Mitofsky poll where non-respondents are taken into account, Lopez Obrador has 37.7 percent of the vote, with Anaya on 20 percent, Meade on 17.7 percent and Rodriguez 3.1 percent.

In its final poll average, the respected poll aggregator Oraculus gave Lopez Obrador 48.1 percent of the vote, Anaya 26.1 percent, Meade 20.8 percent and independent candidate Jaime Rodriguez five percent.

By law, Wednesday was the last day of campaigning for the election, with a moratorium on electioneering to allow voters a period of reflection before Sunday.