WASHINGTON, June 30 (UPI) — Two members of the RNC’s Rules Committee have put forth proposals that would squash the small but persistent wing of the party dedicated to denying Donald Trump the nomination.

MSNBC reports one proposal by rules committee member Solomon Yue would prohibit any changes to convention rules until after this year’s convention is over. It would effectively stop any effort to change the rules to allow delegates to “vote their conscience” on the first ballot, rather than voting according to the results of their state primary or caucus.

A second proposal reported by The Washington Times would prohibit Convention Chairman Paul Ryan from counting any votes for a candidate whose name is not on the convention ballot.

That proposal, by the Rules Committee chairman Steve Ash, would alter an existing rule on the books to prevent a possible revolt by locking down the convention ballot to only Trump and his handpicked running mate.

Neither Yue nor Ash backed Trump in the primary but both men said they believe he won the nomination fairly and the party should unite behind him to secure victory over Hillary Clinton in November.