MEXICO CITY (AP) — Avengers star Mark Ruffalo said Thursday that his dual roles as Dr. Bruce Banner and the Hulk in the upcoming “Avengers: Infinity War” cleverly reflects the duality of anger.

“Our anger can open us to outrage, or anger can open us to do great things for people. Anger can be a positive motivating force,” he told reporters Thursday while in Mexico City to promote the movie, which is set to open April 27.

In the film, Hulk joins with Iron Man, The Black Widow, Thor and Black Panther to fight the villain Thanos.

“Marvel is very clever to realize that the Hulk force can be used for positive but also for destructive (ends). It can get out of control,” said Ruffalo, who had the lead role in the Academy Award-winning film “Spotlight.”

Ruffalo, who is known for supporting social justice causes, added, “Anger just by itself isn’t always the best way to approach something, but it is a powerful emotion when you couple it with outrage or on injustice. It is very powerful.”

“It really taps into a deep site in our psyche that we relate to the Hulk and Banner so much because all of us have lost control over anger,” he said.