Aug. 18 (UPI) — The Secret Service failed to inform the Capitol Police of a threat to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi until the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol was underway, emails obtained by Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics in Washington suggest.

An email from Secret Service to Capitol Police at 5:55 p.m. Jan. 6 said, “The U.S. Secret Service is passing notification to the U.S. Capitol Police regarding discovery of a social media threat directed toward Speaker Nancy Pelosi.”

CREW, in a statement posted to the group’s website Wednesday, said the Secret Service knew of the threat against Pelosi on Jan. 4, 2021. The CREW statement said the Secret Service learned of the violent threat from a Parler social media account.

The Secret Service said in a statement to The Hill that it has “an outstanding working relationship with all law enforcement agencies in the National Capitol Region.”

“The Secret Service works tirelessly to share pertinent information with our law enforcement partners,” the statement said. “In the communication where there was a reference to Speaker Pelosi, that information was provided to the U.S. Capitol Police for their situational awareness.”

Pelosi was named as an “enemy” in the Parler posts, along with President-elect Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, former Sen. Hillary Clinton, businessman George Soros, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, California Gov. Gavin Newsom and then-New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio.

The threatening Parler posts passed on by the Secret Service included at least one directed toward Biden on Jan. 2 that said, “Biden will die shortly after being elected. Patriots are gonna tear his head off. Prison is his best-case scenario.”

In July, the inspector general of the Homeland Security Department notified Congress that the Secret Service had deleted text messages from Jan. 6.

One of the Parler posts passed on in the Secret Service emails made public by CREW said, “It’s gonna get violent as we charge the federal buildings and drag out corrupt politicians dead or alive!…Half of antifa agreed to team up and kill you guys with the Patriots so guess your plan failed Obama.”