LOS ANGELES, July 13 (UPI) — Musician Annie Clark, aka St. Vincent, has transformed the theme song to The Golden Girls into a dark and melancholy dirge.

“I remade the Golden Girls theme song into a dirge. #thankyouforbeingafriend,” the singer wrote on Twitter referencing the original song’s title alongside an audio clip of her remix.

This reworked solemn version differs completely from the original song used to open the classic 1980s sitcom written by Andrew Gold and performed by Cindy Fee which celebrated friendship.

St. Vincent’s dirge is only the latest cover of “Thank You For Being A Friend” which was sampled on band Animal Collective’s “Golden Gal” song from their last EP, Painting With.

St. Vincent last made headlines in October when she surprised fans by waiting tables at her sister’s taco restaurant in Dallas.