March 24 (UPI) — Javier and Clementine confront survival group The New Frontier in a new trailer for Episode 3 of Telltale Games The Walking Dead Season 3.

The clip, released Monday, features the zombie-killing duo meeting with New Frontier leader David in order to solve the mystery of who killed Javier’s niece Mariana following the events of the previous two-part episode, Ties That Bind.

Accompanied by Walking Dead mainstay Jesus, the group find themselves at odds with David whom Clementine describes as “not a good guy.”

As tensions rise and the crew is sent on their way, they encounter a horde of zombies which Clementine takes care of handily with an aluminum baseball bat.

The trailer ends announcing that Episode 3 titled Above the Law will become available for download March 28 for Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC and iOS and Android devices.