NEW YORK, Nov. 17 (UPI) —

Sellers on eBay say the Twinkies they are offering for sale online are likely the last of their kind, given that U.S. company Hostess Brands is folding.

Twinkies and Twinkies-related souvenirs have mushroomed on eBay ever since Hostess Brands announced this week it is liquidating. CNNMoney said Saturday the online bidding for Twinkies has pushed into the hundreds of dollars.

"This could be the last box of Hostess Twinkies EVER!" one seller wrote. "Buy it NOW!"

Business has apparently been brisk, with buyers snapping up not only Twinkies but Twinkie the Kid school lunchboxes, plush toys and a branded baking set.

CNNMoney said the Twinkies Bake Set was bid up 34 times to $69, with the deadline still four days away.

Now that the days of the iconic treat appear to be numbered, it may be that one of the few ways to get Twinkies is to bake them yourself at home.