LAS VEGAS, Feb. 19 (UPI) —

It was a letdown of atomic proportions when the owners of a Las Vegas bar opened a 60-year-old safe found while remodeling — and discovered only receipts.

The owners of Atomic Liquors in downtown Las Vegas pried open the handle on the old floor safe after discovering it months ago and speculating what could be inside, the Las Vegas Sun said Tuesday. Previous customers included the Rat Pack, Barbara Streisand and Jimmy Hoffa.

Alas, the only things inside were receipts for booze and soda long since down the hatch. (The Atomic paid $218 for 55 cases of beer in 1957.)

The owners of Atomic Liquors — which got its name because patrons used to sit on its roof and watch the atomic bomb test blasts in the distance — said they were disappointed, but still planned to display the safe and its contents when the bar reopens in a few weeks, when the renovation is complete.