LAKEWOOD RANCH, Ga., Dec. 29 (UPI) —

A new rule in the Miramar neighborhood of Lakewood Ranch, Fla., banning children from playing in the streets, is causing disagreement among residents.

After Advanced Management, the community’s managing company, prohibited children, for their own safety, from playing on the one road passing through the 172-unit subdivision, the family-oriented neighborhood is surprisingly quiet in the days after Christmas, WTSP-TV, Tampa, reported Sunday.

"I just want to be outside, tossing a football. They are taking away all the fun, to be honest. We just want to go outside and play," said resident Nico Cardenas, 15, who acknowledged he now spends more time indoors, playing video games.

"They are kids and have to have a place to play, but the street isn’t the place to do it," said homeowner Phil Erickson.

Other homeowners say parks are too far away, and the subdivision’s backyards are too small in which to play, but homeworker Kimberly Koch disagreed.

"I think it’s ridiculous, Kids should be able to play in their neighborhood. This is their home. They’re part of our community," Koch said.

A town hall meeting is planned to discuss the issue.