LOS ANGELES, March 20 (UPI) —

A pair of U.S. developers have created Cloak, an iPhone "antisocial network" to help users avoid running into their friends.

Cloak, created by programmer Brian Moore and former Buzzfeed creative director Chris Baker, is billed as the "antisocial network" and uses check-in data from Foursquare and Instagram to allow users to see the locations of their friends on a map, the Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.

"Avoid exes, co-workers, that guy who likes to stop and chat — anyone you’d rather not run into," the app description in the iTunes store reads.

The app also allows users to "flag" certain friends and they will receive notifications when the flagged friends show up within a certain range.

The developers said they are planning to add more social networks to Cloak.

"We’ve got a lot more planned for Cloak, with Facebook being pretty important," representatives for the app said in an email to the Times.

The app is free in the iTunes store. The developers said there are currently no plans for an Android version.