TEL AVIV, Israel, June 13 (UPI) —

Tens of thousands of people filled Tel Aviv, Israel’s Gan Meir park Friday to witness the start of the Middle East’s largest gay pride parade.

The vibrant and colorful event was the conclusion of a seven-day festival of gay culture, and the 16th annual parade in what many consider the world’s "best gay city." Israel is the only country in the middle East in which homosexuality is not proscribed by law, and a large and influential gay community can be found in Tel Aviv.

Activities in the park included music and AIDS awareness stations, as well as a variety of food and a welcome by Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai.

The parade, unlike some counterparts in other cities, was a joyous march to Charles Clore Park, featuring floats from organizations including "Queers Against Israel Apartheid" and marriage equality groups.