SEBRING, Fla., July 24 (UPI) —

Stephen Steinlight, a conservative analyst for the Center for Immigration Studies, said he thinks a medieval form of execution is "too good" for President Barack Obama.

Steinlight was speaking to the Highlands Tea Party in Central Florida when he said that impeachment was too light of a punishment for the commander in chief and he should instead be publicly "hung, drawn and quartered."

"We all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? And I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn and quartered is probably too good for him."

This is not the first time Steinlight has made controversial, race-related comments. He has also said Hispanic immigrants will be "the unmaking of America" and Muslims should not be allowed in the United States because they "believe in things that are subversive to the Constitution."

Steinlight has since been reprimanded for his words and advised to avoid such declarations.

"I reprimanded him and put a reprimand in his personnel file," said CIS Executive Director Mark Krikorian.

"Steve was speaking figuratively and hyperbolically, obviously, for effect. In that respect his intemperate comments were similar to those who are often critics of President Bush, and I would say like those comments, they are ill-advised," Steven Camarota, director of research at CIS, told The Huffington Post. "I would also say that the Center for Immigration Studies does not in fact support drawing and quartering the president."