MURRYSVILLE, Pa., July 28 (UPI) —

A video of an excited dog that was uploaded to YouTube a few days ago has made more than 17 million people howl with laughter and feel warm and fuzzy.

The clip shows a 9-year-old schnauzer reuniting with a family member she hadn’t seen for more than two years.

Casey, the pup, dashes up to Rebecca Ehalt, squeals for an extended period of time and then appears to pass out from excitement.

The noise Casey was making is standard for schnauzers.

"Anyone who’s familiar with the breed knows they’re a little higher pitched," Ehalt’s sister, Rachel Abbett, told "I think the video really says it."

It was the first time that anyone has ever seen the dog faint and they were concerned at first.

"The schnauzer, Casey, was taken to the vet, the vet saw the video, and everything is fine with her," Ehalt wrote with the YouTube video. "No worries."