NEW YORK, Aug. 21 (UPI) —

The grueling series of cancer treatments endured by Hall of Fame pro football player Jim Kelly in the last several months has apparently worked. After a recent checkup at Lenox Hill Hospital, doctors said there is no evidence of Kelly’s cancer.

"The treatments so far have completely eliminated Mr. Kelly’s pain and his level of function has essentially returned to normal,” Dr. Peter Costantino, executive director of the hospital’s New York Head & Neck Institute, said in a press release. "Further, on physical examination, there is no evidence of the cancer.”

Kelly, the 54-year-old former Buffalo Bills quarterback, was diagnosed with sinus cancer in his upper jaw in June 2013. Over the last three months, Kelly has received regular treatments of radiation and chemotherapy. Though the latest prognosis is good, Kelly will undergo further biopsies this week to confirm the good news.

“It is possible that no further treatment will be required, and the testing over the next week will define this issue,” Constantino said.

Kelly announced the good news on Wednesday on his Instagram account.

"We have come away from our checkup visit in NYC encouraged and hopeful," Kelly wrote. "Preliminary scan results have necessitated the need for biopsies to be done in order to confirm what we hope to be true…that the cancer has been eradicated."