PARIS, Oct. 30 (UPI) —

The presence of unidentified drones, flying over French nuclear power plants, was confirmed by France’s electrical power authority.

The operator of all 19 of France’s nuclear facilities, Electricitie de France S.A., said Wednesday security teams noted the presence of small aircraft resembling drones over seven of its power plants in the past three weeks, adding it filed a report with police. None were intercepted, and their origin has not been determined.

It is illegal in France to fly within a five-kilometer (3.1 miles) perimeter around nuclear plants, or above them below 1,000 meters (1,100 yards). The first sighting came Oct. 3, with more between Oct. 13 and Oct. 20.

The power company downplayed the risk involved in the drone sightings.

"We have no fear concerning a drone flying over out installations. These objects are not capable of damaging anything if they fall, nor is any object they might drop."

The British newspaper The Telegraph, though, noted the drones were large enough to carry explosives.

The anti-nuclear activist group Greenpeace denied any involvement, but said in a statement, "We are very worried about the repeated existence of these suspicious flights. Neither EDF nor police have provided an explanation."