Dec. 10 (UPI) — Thousands of Utah state employees were caught up in a reply-all “disaster” that began with an email about a holiday potluck at a state office.

State employees revealed the chain started with an email accidentally sent to about 25,000 state employees about 9:30 a.m. about a potluck at a state office.

Joe Dougherty, a state spokesman, said reply-all emails quickly began rushing in, with dozens of emails being sent to the recipients of the original message between 9:30 a.m. and about 11:15 a.m.

“It’s 11:10 am and I think it’s safe to say the great #ReplyAll disaster of 2018 is finally over,” Dougherty tweeted.

State employees said scattered messages continued throughout the day.

“This is real and it’s an emergency. Started out as a potluck and $5 white elephant gift exchange in one department and someone accidentally cc’d every state employee. I fear this will never end,” Utah Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox tweeted.