March 28 (UPI) — On Thursday, NASA astronauts will work for 6.5 hours outside the International Space Station.

Having only arrived at the space station a few days ago, Ricky Arnold and Drew Feustel are ready for the first spacewalk of their mission. During their time outside ISS, the duo will install communications antennas on the Tranquility module and replace a camera assembly on the Port 1 truss.

“The duo wrapped up final reviews today with flight engineers Scott Tingle and Norishige Kanai who will assist the spacewalkers in and out of their spacesuits,” NASA wrote in an update.

NASA TV will broadcast the spacewalk beginning at 6:30 a.m. ET and the walk is scheduled to start at 8:10 a.m. ET.

Space station astronauts are expecting to receive a Dragon cargo craft next week. Flight engineers Scott Tingle of NASA and Norishige Kanai of JAXA, Japan’s space agency are training for the cargo capsule’s reception.

The space station’s Canadarm2 robotic arm will help the astronauts catch and pull the craft into a docking port. Kanai will be at the arm’s control board, while Tingle will watch the Dragon’s approach.