NEW YORK (AP) — A woman has filed a lawsuit against R. Kelly, accusing the singer of sexual battery, knowingly infecting her with herpes and locking her in rooms for punishment.

Faith Rodgers says in the suit filed Monday in New York that she met Kelly about a year ago after a concert in San Antonio, Texas. The 20-year-old says that during their relationship Kelly “mentally, sexually and verbally” abused her.

Representatives for Kelly did not immediately respond to requests for comment Tuesday.

R. Kelly is one of pop music’s best-selling artists, with hits including “Ignition,” ”I Believe I Can Fly,” and “Bump N’ Grind.”

Rodgers, who appeared Tuesday on “CBS This Morning,” said Kelly instructed her to call him “daddy” and told her his goal was to teach her how to have sex like a “mature woman.”

She said Kelly visited her hotel room after he flew her to New York to attend a show and she “submitted” to sex.

“I didn’t really say anything. I kinda just froze up,” she said. “I definitely was uncomfortable. But he has this type of, like, intimidation right off the bat. You know? So I was just waiting for it to be over.”

Rodgers said situations like that occurred “multiple times.”

The lawsuit says Kelly “disregarded specific statements made by plaintiff that she was ‘not ready to have sex'” with him.

“After initiating non-permissive, painful and abusive sex with plaintiff, defendant, R. Kelly, immediately insulted and criticized” Rodgers “concerning her ‘lack of participation’ and physical inadequacies.”

Earlier this month, Spotify, citing its new policy on hate content and hateful conduct, removed the R&B singer’s music from its promoted playlists and algorithms following a campaign from #MuteRKelly and others to sanction him.

The Time’s Up campaign took aim at R. Kelly late last month over allegations that he has sexually abused women. The organization urged further investigation into the singer’s behavior, which has come under closer scrutiny over the last year in wake of the #MeToo movement, as women have come forward to accuse him of everything from sexual coercion to physical abuse.

“Unfortunately, the facts and background of this case are not unique,” said Rodgers’ lawsuit. “This is a run-of-the-mill R. Kelly sexual abuse case. For over 20 years, women across America have been victimized by defendant, R. Kelly, and have filed eerily similar claims.”

Kelly has denied wrongdoing.

The Grammy-winning singer-songwriter-producer was acquitted in 2008 of child pornography after a video circulated appearing to show him having sex with a teenage girl. Despite that, he continued to score hits and sell out arenas.

It’s been five years since any of his songs have charted on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

The Associated Press does not typically identify people who say they are victims of sexual assault unless they decide to make their names public, whichRodgers has done.